Have you ever sat by the window and counted the kilowatt hours as they build up on your meter?
If so, you may have quite a bit of active interest in making a home more properly weatherized and cutting down on electrical bills.
How much is 1 kWh?
1 kWh represents the power that it takes to run an appliance drawing 1 kW for one hour.
So in terms of wattage, if you have a central air conditioning system that's drawing 3500 watts and it runs all the time, you'll be using 3.5 kWh per hour. But that’s a lot! Just look at the supply and delivery charges for, say, 1000 KwH!
If that's true, if your central air system runs all day and all night, then you have a significant problem, because these types of systems aren't supposed to run all the time. They're supposed to take an interior space down to a comfortable temperature and then leave it there.
But from time to time, homeowners encounter problems with these or other systems that draw excessive amounts of power.
So then they start looking at the kilowatt hours that they use and consider how to fix the issue. That can be easier said than done, especially for a larger property.
New Windows and Energy Savings
We may not be able to tell you how much you will cut down on kilowatt hours used, but there are some good standards and rules of thumb for these types of energy savings, where you can see savings of up to 30% or more on electrical bills!
New windows also have new kinds of modern systems that make them even more efficient for a building. So if you're watching that meter, you have alternatives to lighten the load when it comes to your energy bill. New double pane windows have either natural air or inert gasses between the panes to help provide more insulation, and sealed windows keep more of the heated and cooled air inside of the property rather than letting it escape to the outside.
Take the same type of approach that government agencies and regulators use with programs like Energy Star, and get energy-efficient windows to increase the value of your property and cut down on the energy bills that you pay during hot and cold seasons. Take a look at the catalog for more on how these windows are made, what they do, and why they are so valuable for your property.